Visi Geospasial

Rasulullah Saw bersabda : “Allah memperlihatkan kepadaku seluruh penjuru bumi ini. Aku melihat bagian Timur dan Baratnya, dan aku melihat umatku akan menguasai apa yang telah Dia tunjukkan kepadaku”. (HR.Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah, dan Tirmidzi)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Europe Migrant Crisis

The number of Mediterranean migrants travelling to Europe by boat has increased dramatically this year. Europe is now facing an enormous dilemma regarding the desperate refugees from the Middle Eastern and North African countries. According to the United Nations, this is the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. Hundreds and thousands of desperate migrants are fleeing their country to escape devastation of war, abject poverty, systematic abuse and persecution in the hope of a better life. But due to the inhumane concept of nationalism which values national identity over humanity, European governments treat these vulnerable refugees harshly to stop further exodus. Macedonian police forces beating back the refugees, while others have refused entry to their countries by sealing the border or by strengthening maritime petrol in the Mediterranean.

This is the direct result of corrupt manmade values which dehumanize people by refusing them sanctuary even though they are in desperate need of shelter and protection.

The European leaders need to understand that this crisis is the direct result of the colonial wars and the military interventions in the Muslim world by the West as well as the support of brutal dictatorships backed by the western governments in the Muslim lands such as in Syria and Egypt which came back to haunt these governments on their own shores.